Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship
Nowadays Education is the most important function of state & local government. The government realizes that Education is supposed to be evidence of the state’s goodness & also its concern for our well-being. Especially to improve the lives of Minority Communities & make society better, Education is the only key. So, now to awaken a pure interest in knowledge West Bengal Government introduced the SVMCM Scholarship or Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship programme to the Minority Students of West Bengal. SVMCM is an online scholarship program introduced by the Government of West Bengal. Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship was refurbished in the year 2016, with the purpose to cover a large number of students & to amplify the number of scholarships.
SVMCM Guidelines:
Applicants invited from Minority communities students of West Bengal pursuing higher studies. Minority students of Post Madhyamik and onwards in regular courses adding Polytechnic Courses, resident in West Bengal & Studying in the Institutes of West Bengal after qualifying the State Board/Council of Secondary/Higher Education & Madrasa Education & State University may apply for the SVMCM scholarship scheme.
Eligibility Criteria for SVMCM Scholarship:
The above eligibility criteria should be maintained to get the SVMCM Scholarship.
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