The Atmadeep Young Scholarship is categorized into two-part – Atmadeep Junior Scholarship and Atmadeep Scholarship Exam. The details of the information forthe scholarship exam are given below.
Ei Samay Atmadeep Junior Scholarship 2021 is applicable to the students, who are currently studying in Class 5th and 6th. To encourage the students to discover and learn new things this scholarship exam was organized. Eisamay, Times of India Group will provide Scholarships and Educational Support to the top 50 students under Atmadeep Junior Scholarship Programme. Students have to answer 36 easy questions in 45 minutes. There is no negative marking.
Students who are currently studying in Class VII to X can apply for this scholarship examination. The top 100 students will be selected for Ei Samay Atmadeep Young Scholarship 2021. Candidates will be selected by an easy examination, conduct by Eisamay Scholarship Team in various Exam Centres in Kolkata, Durgapur, Burdwan and Asansol.