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Attendance Scholarship for SC Primary Girl Students

Punjab - National

Scholarship Details

It has been observed many Number of Scheduled Caste girl students in educational institutions is much less than their population because of the fact that the parents/guardians of these girls are very poor and they do not pay heed to the education of the female child. If at all these girls are admitted in the school after a time they leave their studies all because of financial problem. Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and Minorities, Government of Punjab provided Attendance Scholarship for SC Primary Girl Students. By this scholarship the students will receive financial help that they can pursue their studies.


Under this scheme, the students will receive Rs. 50/- per month for 10 months in a year.

  • The student must be an Indian citizen
  • The applicant should be a domicile of Punjab
  • The student must be schedule caste primary girls students
  • The applicant must have 75% class attendance
  • The student's annual family income is not more than INR 1,00,000
  • Their parents/guardian should not be income tax payees and have land less than 5 acres.
Documents Needed
  • Aadhar card of the applicant
  • Income certificate
  • Caste certificate of the applicant
  • Domicile certificate of the applicant
  • Copy of bank account and particular attendance to be kept in scored
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and Minorities, Government of Punjab
How To Apply
  • Step:1 Open the official site of the scholarship
  • Step:2Click the Student Registration button.
  • Step:3 Fill in all the details and then fill in the upload documents.
  • Step:4 Choose the Punjab Scholarship you want to apply for and click on “Apply”.
  • Step:5 Fill out the form and submit it.